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5 Reasons Why Chiropractic Adjustments Help Maintain Good Health

Last Updated: July 6th, 2020 at 07:08 pm
Read Time: 3 Minutes

Have you considered booking an appointment with a chiropractor in the past to help alleviate pain, but opted for pain medication instead? Maybe you are experiencing neck pain or chronic headaches, and aren’t entirely sure how a chiropractor can help?

Whatever pain you are experiencing – even if you have no pain at all – attending regular appointments for chiropractic adjustments can help you maintain good health and keep a multitude of disorders at bay.

1. Prevention before Problem

Chiropractic care focuses on preventing illness and disease, rather than reversing symptoms when they have already arisen. In other words, you will benefit the most from chiropractic appointments if you attend them before you experience any pain.

Chiropractors support properly functioning nerves through safe and gentle adjustments. When nerves become stressed within joints, symptoms such as headaches and upset stomachs can arise. By incorporating chiropractic appointments into your routine like you would with a dentist or doctor, regular check-ups can help you sustain optimal nerve health.

2. Manage Stress and Anxiety

If you are experiencing a high amount of stress or anxiety, regular chiropractic appointments can help. Spinal manipulations focus on the spine – the root of the nervous system. Chronic stress creates muscle tension and contraction, which leads to subluxations. Adjustments not only help ease the tension in muscles, but help balance the spine, managing personal stress and easing subluxations.

On top of this, your chiropractor and you can open up the discussion on the role nutrition plays in stress management. Together, you can develop a plan to help naturally relieve stress and anxiety through diet and lifestyle changes.

3. Improve Work Performance

Attending regular chiropractic appointments can improve your performance at work by warding off work-related injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and alleviating back pain (particularly lower back pain) you may be experiencing during work hours.

Spinal manipulations, for example, diffuse low-back pain developed from sitting for hours in a chair with little lumbar support. Restoring proper spinal alignment can also relieve back pain caused by constantly standing, or performing repetitive tasks.

4. Help with Headaches

By attending regular chiropractic appointments, you can help to prevent unwanted tension and irritation in the neck and head. Certain patients even report noticing a significant improvement to their chronic headaches or migraines directly after attending a chiropractic appointment. However, it is important to remember that each case and person will respond differently to treatment. While some patients experience positive results right away, other may notice a slow decline in symptoms over a number of weeks.

5. Boosts Athletic Performance

Even if you are not a trained athlete, chiropractic care can help to enhance your athletic performance and work with you to reach your fitness goals. Regular appointments with your chiropractor boosts performance by strengthening the body’s entire musculoskeletal system. Many professional athletic teams now have a team chiropractor who travels with them for this reason.

On top of this, as stated above, chiropractors offer more than spinal alignments – they are there to offer health and wellness advice. If you have specific training and fitness goals you would like to reach, your chiropractor will be happy to work with you and offer guidance to help you reach them.

If you thought chiropractic appointments should be reserved for those times when your spine is really suffering, think again. Chiropractic care offers so much more than back pain relief – it can help you to live a healthy, happy, and fit life.

Contact us now to make an appointment for a chiropractic adjustment at any of our 11 offices.

About the Author:
Dr. Michael Levine
Dr. Michael Levine has been helping patients live pain free for over 20 years. His family-oriented practice focuses on getting every member of your family well. He is passionate about helping his patients maintain a state of wellness. Dr. Levine also educates families on what it takes to be healthier, and provides workshops in and out of the office to keep you up to date on the latest medical news.
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