Articles & News

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A male patient with his left arm crossed over his body as he is being examined by a doctor.
Joint Pain
What Is Shoulder Impingement & How a Chiropractor Can Help
What is shoulder impingement? It’s a painful condition that not many have heard of, but if you’re suffering from shoulder pain, this may be the cause. It’s one of the most common culprits of pain in the area, and treatment options are available. When looking at how to fix shoulder impingement, it’s essential to seek...
runner clutching leg with inflammation shown in red
Chiropractic Therapy
Can a Chiropractor Help with Hamstring Strain Treatment?
Hamstring injury recovery can be both challenging and lengthy, but there are ways that a chiropractor can help. The average pulled hamstring recovery time varies based on the severity of the injury. It can take three to eight weeks for more minor injuries, while more serious strains can take months. Whether you’re an athlete or...
A doctor's hand pointing to the vertebrae of a spine model with a pen.
Pain Treatment
Chiropractic Techniques 101 – The Difference Between All Techniques
There are multiple chiropractic techniques that providers utilize to treat different ailments. No two medical conditions are the same, and your chiropractor may use various treatment options to alleviate your specific symptoms. Chiropractic care encompasses the human body’s entire muscular-skeletal system, including bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and other soft tissue. Each unique part of the...
chiropractic home remedies like how to crack someones back
Pain Treatment
“Can You Walk On My Back?” and Other Home Remedies We Don’t Recommend
“Hey, can you walk on my back?” It’s a question you’ve definitely either asked or been asked before. Suffering from back pain can leave you turning to this wild tactic, or other home remedies, in an attempt to feel 100% again. But, are these home remedies even useful, or can they cause more pain down the...
Man hunched over desk rubbing his eyes.
Medical Conditions
8 of the Best Ways to Destress Yourself and Calm Down
If you find that you are confronted with stress in your daily life and it’s making it difficult to stay focused on your tasks, interfering with your relationships, or even manifesting itself as physical pain, such as headaches, clenched jaws (known as bruxism), and neck pain, ChiroCare may be able to help you get back...
Man grabbing shoulder and neck in pain
Chiropractic Therapy
Pinched Nerve Side Effects & Science-Based Ways to Fix a Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve, or cervical radiculopathy, is common, with 85 out of 100,000 adults experiencing it in the United States each year. A compressed or pinched nerve results from an injury or swelling. As you age, the risk of cervical radiculopathy increases due to degeneration of the spine, overweight, long periods of sitting, and poor...
Asian woman rubbing her neck.
Back & Neck Pain
Natural Stiff Neck Remedies You Should Try for Pain Relief
Stiffness and neck pain in the neck are common concerns among patients. Symptoms of neck stiffness may include headaches, muscle tightness, and constricted mobility. Typically caused by poor posture, a stiff neck can be debilitating. Your sore neck may affect your quality of life due to decreased mobility, increased pain, and built-up tension. Stiff Necks...
young woman hunched over looking at phone compared to same woman sitting up straight in chair with spine visible
Back & Neck Pain
What Is Text Neck: Causes, Treatment & Prevention
Patients enter our clinic at a phenomenal rate with neck pain from looking down at their mobile devices. Hours are spent on cell phones and laptops because they are convenient. But the price of this convenience is often poor neck posture, leading to text neck. Despite the name “text neck,” pain is not isolated to...
Pain Treatment
Natural Energy Boosters that Fight Fatigue & Pain
Often confused with drowsiness, fatigue causes reduced energy, lack of motivation, trouble concentrating, or difficulty with daily tasks. Drowsiness occurs when your body needs more sleep, and you feel groggy. While fatigue is a constant weariness that cannot be relieved by rest. Long-lasting feelings of fatigue can lead to emotional and physical consequences. Although fatigue...