How a Chiropractor Can Help Bulging and Slipped Discs

Medical Conditions Pain Treatment Chiropractic Therapy Back & Neck Pain Treatment Techniques / March 21, 2018
slipped disc

Bulging or slipped discs are often seen as a natural part of the aging process. While this may be true to a certain extent, it certainly does not mean that anyone should live with the pain and decreased mobility often associated with the condition. If you or someone you love believes they may be suffering with a bulging or slipped disc, it is important to learn the facts and seek care from your local chiropractor to decrease pain and prevent future problems.

What is a Bulging or Slipped Disc?

Bulging discs, located in the lower back, occur when a weakened or deteriorated disc extends through a crevice in the spine, extending outside of its normal jurisdiction. The condition occurs when a disc moves from its normal position, causing the inner, liquid-like nucleus to balloon toward the weakest point in the hard outer casing.

A protruding or slipped disc is often indicated by one or more of the following symptoms:

While bulging or slipped discs are often caused by the natural aging process and regular “wear and tear,” there are reasons they may have developed earlier in life. Bad posture, repetitive lifting, bending, or standing, and long-term injuries can all contribute to bulging discs.

Chiropractic Treatment for Bulging or Slipped Disc

Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular to treat a bulging or slipped disc. Not only can it take pressure off of the bulging disc so that it can heal itself, but prevent similar injuries in the future.

Benefits of seeking out chiropractic care for a bulging or slipped disc include:

Chiropractic care to help treat and prevent bulging or slipped discs is both safe and effective. You can expect your chiropractor to utilize your medical history and perform a thorough physical examination, which often includes an MRI and digital images, before developing your treatment plan.

What to Expect from Your Chiropractor

Chiropractic care emphasizes a whole body approach to wellness. With this in mind, expect your chiropractor to evaluate your entire back – not just the area where you are experiencing pain or other discomforts. The site of the pain may not be the same location as the cause of your pain. Your chiropractor will then treat the spine and provide self-care direction crafted for your individual needs. This will include exercise advice and dietary recommendations.

During visits to the chiropractic office, your physician will perform low force adjustments designed to relieve symptoms associated with your bulging or slipped disc. He or she may combine adjustments with other types of treatments, depending on your specific condition. You will go over progress you are experiencing, and create a plan to provide further relief and total wellness for the foreseeable future.

Chiropractic treatment for a bulging or slipped disc is noninvasive, effective, and promotes overall health and wellness. If you or someone you love is experiencing back pain from a bulging or slipped disc, seek quality chiropractic care so that you can begin enjoying all aspects of your life again.

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