Each year, about 51 million people visit doctors’ offices, outpatient clinics, and emergency departments for digestive issues and diseases. Many of these individuals spend millions of dollars on over-the-counter and prescription medications to deal with their pain and discomfort.
Some of the more common digestive disorders people suffer include:
Those suffering from Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, and other digestive disorders can endure flare-ups that can cause aches and pains for days and even months.
Chiropractic medicine is one of the effective therapies for digestive disorders you should consider. The digestive system is linked to the nervous system, which has control over your digestive function. Spine problems have often been linked with internal organ problems. When the nerves around the thoracic or lumbar regions of the spine are interrupted, digestive issues may arise.
Subluxations are minor to severe spinal misalignments that can impact the nervous system’s ability to control digestion. When the spine is aligned improperly, the nerves around the thoracic and lumbar spine can be strained, making it more difficult to send out proper signals to the digestive organs.
By having your spine realigned, you can correct those interferences and get your nervous and digestive systems back to working at peak levels.
According to a 2003 study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, there is a possible link between Crohn’s disease and interference to the nervous system from spinal misalignments. By reducing the vertebral subluxations, there was a reduction of symptoms of Crohn’s disease.
Chiropractic care has also been shown to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
Along with chiropractic care, the team of specialists at ChiroCare of Florida can provide health and wellness tips to help with your digestive issues. A personalized nutrition plan can aid in healing and controlling digestive flare-ups.
Chiropractic therapies for gastrointestinal issues treat the root of the problem without the side effects or risks of surgery or medication. If you are seeking alternative therapies for digestive disorders, contact a doctor at ChiroCare of Florida.
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