What’s the Difference between a Chiropractor and Physical Therapist?

Chiropractic Therapy / March 2, 2017
chiropractor vs physical therapy

If you’re suffering from aches and pains after an accident, you’ll find that there are varying treatment options both at home and through professionals. When seeking out professional health care, many people get confused about the differences between visiting a chiropractor and a physical therapist. There are also some misconceptions about what each profession does when treating patients.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic treatment involves specific techniques used for adjusting the spine and other parts of the body. Chiropractors most often treat musculoskeletal issues, including back and neck pain, and pain in the joints.

Chiropractors can examine, diagnose, and treat patients using a broad set of skills. Additionally, chiropractors can recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises and counsel patients on nutrition, diet, and lifestyle changes that can aid in their treatments.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists help patients reduce pain and improve their mobility and flexibility. These professionals can help patients manage their condition. After examining each individual, physical therapists will develop a treatment plan for pain reduction and improving function and mobility. Physical therapists can work in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, fitness facilities, and private practices.

Differences between a Physical Therapist and Chiropractor

Chiropractors and physical therapists both use a hands-on, drug-free approach to treat patients suffering from pain due to an accident, injury, disease, or aging.

The biggest difference between the two professions is that physical therapy helps patients recover and learn to prevent injuries. Chiropractic treatment is completed recurrently to correct injuries and conditions.

Treatment techniques used may overlap.  Along with adjustments, chiropractic offices may offer massage therapy, hot/cold therapy, and electrical stimulation for care. Chiropractors and physical therapists both specialize in orthopedics and may also specialize in pediatrics and geriatrics.

Each practice has their own benefits and a patient may have a combination of treatments in treating and preventing injuries.

Chiropractors at the ChiroCare of Florida offices have more than 50 years of combined experience helping those injured after an accident. Patients will benefit from chiropractic care as well as treatment plans that will help them recover as quickly as possible.

For a free consultation, contact the ChiroCare of Florida office closest to you.

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