Did you know that Medicare Part B will cover most of the cost of your chiropractic adjustments? If you’ve opted for Part C (Medicare Advantage), the plan may also cover most of these treatments. The fact is that millions of Medicare recipients could greatly benefit from Chiropractic treatments, but many believe they are going to have to pay out of pocket for this essential healthcare.

ChiroCare of Florida not only accepts nearly every major insurer, but we also see patients who are covered by Medicare. If you’re not sure that your specific Medicare plan will cover your treatments, call our office. Our staff is happy to tell you what your out-of-pocket costs could be.

Introduction to Medicare for Chiropractic Care

Medicare Part B covers specific treatments in the chiropractor’s office. The good news is that those treatments include manipulation for spinal subluxation. In other words, your adjustments are partially covered after you reach your annual deductible, which is $240 at the time of this writing.

It’s more difficult to determine how much of your Part C coverage will contribute to your treatments as the plans are more varied. If you have a Medicare Advantage (Part C), contact your provider to determine whether or not your chiropractic treatments are covered.

What Medicare Coverage for Chiropractic Care Involves

Your out-of-pocket costs depend on the type of Medicare coverage you have, other insurance you carry, and the price your chiropractor charges for office visits. Here’s how it breaks down once you’ve reached your annual deductible:

  • Medicare Part B – This plan covers chiropractic adjustments if they are deemed medically necessary. It does not cover other services, like acupuncture or massage, so if you want these services, be prepared to pay out of pocket. Once you reach your deductible, Medicare will cover up to 80% of your treatment for a preapproved amount. The average out-of-pocket cost for Medicare Part B patient visits is $6 to $10.
  • Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) – These plans often cover chiropractic adjustments, but not always. If you do have a Medicare Advantage plan that covers chiropractic medicine with no other insurance, your out-of-pocket cost can range from $5 to $20 per visit.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan (Medigap) – This will usually cover the remainder of your costs if your treatments are deemed medically necessary. If you have a Medigap plan, your visits will cost nothing unless you receive additional treatments.

The Benefits of Medicare Coverage for Chiropractic Care

If you are on Medicare, you can receive excellent chiropractic treatments for little or no cost. ChiroCare of Florida encourages you to take advantage of this tremendous benefit for the following reasons:

Pain Management

Chiropractic medicine does not involve taking prescription drugs. Spinal subluxation can be responsible for many types of aches and pains throughout the body. But even if you don’t currently feel pain, chiropractic adjustments can help your musculoskeletal system remain healthy and aligned.

Non-Invasive Treatment

As we get older, there really is no such thing as a minor surgical procedure. If you have pain or reduced mobility, however, you may feel like the risk is worth the potential outcome. Before you commit to a medical operation for persistent pain, weakness, or mobility issues, talk to one of our chiropractors. They may be able to recommend a course of treatment that will make you feel like yourself after a few treatments.

Improved Mobility

Spinal subluxation decreases blood flow to various muscles and joints. It can also pinch off nerves, resulting in pain and weakness. Regular chiropractic adjustments can address your mobility issues by opening neural pathways and increasing blood flow.

Guidelines and Recommendations for Utilizing Medicare for Chiropractic Care

If you’re sold on using your Medicare plan for chiropractor care, here are some factors to consider.

Eligibility and Coverage Limits

Know your plan, what it covers, and what it doesn’t. For example, if you go to a chiropractor early in your annual billing cycle, you may not have reached your deductible. It may be more expensive than you are used to paying.

Regular Check-Ups

Chiropractic adjustments are a commitment, but it’s one that will yield many health benefits. Schedule your first appointment as soon as possible, but then be sure to return for routine adjustments. If you are injured, feel pain, or have reduced mobility, the doctor may recommend more frequent visits. For musculoskeletal maintenance, your visits may be a month or more apart.

Combining Treatments

If you receive x-rays or a massage at your chiropractor, Medicare may not cover it. If you have supplemental insurance, let us know so we can determine which services are covered. At Chirocare, we will always inform you if we are recommending a treatment or test that is not covered under your healthcare plan.

Medicare Chiropractors in Florida

ChiroCare of Florida is committed to bringing top-quality chiropractic care to as many patients as possible. Don’t let a misconception about Medicare and chiropractic medicine stop you from getting the treatments you need. Call today to schedule an appointment.

If you have Medicare, chiropractor visits are covered if you require treatment to fix what is know as a subluxation of the spine. A spinal subluxation is a common chiropractic issue. It means that the vertebrae in your spine are not in proper position. Subluxation can cause back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as joint problems, nerve problems, and muscle pain. It can result in increased inflammation, fibrosis, muscle atrophy, and more. However, the condition is easily treated by regular spinal adjustments. With Medicare, chiropractic treatment can be extremely beneficial in managing the pain that many patients experience.

ChiroCare of Florida accepts Medicare. If you are experiencing pain you believe results from a problem with your neck or back, including frequent headaches or migraines or digestive issues, it may be a sign of spinal subluxation. Seek the advice of a chiropractor. We accept Original Medicare, Medicare Part C, and Medigap Part F plans. Call us today at 977-216-6206. With eleven locations across South Florida and extended weekday hours, you can begin your chiropractic treatment plan today.

Does Medicare Cover Chiropractor Visits?

Original Medicare (or Medicare Part B) does cover some chiropractic services, though not all. According to the Official U.S. Government Site for Medicare, the plan does cover spinal manipulation if a chiropractor deems it medically necessary. If you are experiencing back pain, it is likely that chiropractic treatment is the correct form of treatment and Medicare will cover the expense.

Often, chiropractors request X-rays to diagnose issues with the spine. It is important to note that Medicare will not cover these costs unless a physician orders the test. If a chiropractor orders the X-ray, Medicare will not cover the cost. Be aware before your visit that Medicare does not require an X-ray to prove you require treatment for a spinal subluxation. You can still receive covered Medicare chiropractor visits without one.

Medicare Part C

Medicare Part C, or Medicare Advantage Plans, may provide more coverage for chiropractic treatment, as private insurance companies offer the plans. To see if Part C Medicare chiropractic treatment is covered, contact your insurance company and inquire about the benefits of your plan. Medicare Part C may offer more treatment options than Original Medicare, and may cover more of the cost. Some Medicare Part C plans cover not only your entire deductible, but also your 20% co-pay.

Medigap Plan F

Medigap Plan F is a supplemental Medicare coverage plan that helps bridge the gap between payments not covered by Plan A. With Medigap Plan F, you most likely will not have to pay a thing for Medicare chiropractor visits.

Your Financial Responsibility

Your financial responsibility regarding chiropractic payments will depend on your Medicare plan. Generally, Original Medicare covers 80% of the approved rate for office visits. You are responsible for paying your deductible and the remaining 20%. With Medicare Part C, your insurance company determines your co-pays. Chiropractic care is typically considered a specialist visit, and that co-pay amount may apply.

For How Long Does Medicare Cover Chiropractor Visits?

A main concern among patients is that Medicare will cover some chiropractic visits, but not all. However, this is not the case. With Medicare there is no limit on the number of chiropractic treatments you may receive, as long as you cover your deductible, continue paying the 20% fee, and a provider deems the treatment medically necessary.

Ancillary Chiropractic Services Covered by Medicare

Many chiropractors offer ancillary services that aid in traditional spinal manipulations, or treat medical issues that do not involve the spine. Original Medicare may cover some of these services. Services such as physical therapy and rehabilitation are likely covered if a physician orders them.

Additionally, Original Medicare may cover services to treat pre-existing health conditions, such as rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, or sciatica. In these cases, it is common for Medicare to require physician authorization.

If you have Medicare Part C or Medigap Plan F, there is a greater chance that the services will be covered. It is important to contact your provider prior to a visit to prepare for any payments you may be responsible for.

Chiropractic Services Not Covered by Medicare

If you have Original Medicare, chiropractor visits for ancillary services are generally not covered. These services include acupuncture, massage therapy, and other treatment options the plan deems”not medically necessary.” With Medicare Part C or Medigap Plan F coverage, these services may be covered.

Additionally, many chiropractors offer services such as cupping therapy, laser treatments, and general wellness programs. It is not likely that Original Medicare will cover these treatment methods. Medicare typically requires that you take advantage of wellness programs from your primary care physician, and elective procedures such as laser treatments are not covered by the plans.

However, if you do have a Medigap Plan F, contact your provider. There may be provisions that allow you to seek additional treatment. Medicare Part C and Medigap Part F offer greater flexibility in terms of treatment and cover a wider range of services. Of course, if you discuss a health concern with your doctor and they advise you to seek treatment from a chiropractor, call your benefit administrator to discuss your options.

Finding a Medicare Chiropractor

One of the most important things to note is that any healthcare provider that accepts Medicare must hold a special licensure that allows them to receive reimbursement from the plan. Not all chiropractors or offices have the necessary license. For this reason, it is important that you find a chiropractor that Medicare does cover.

ChiroCare of Florida does accept Medicare. We are proud to serve those in the South Florida community with Orginal Medicare Part B plans, as well as Advantage Medicare Part C plans and Medigap Part F Plans. If you are struggling with back, neck, shoulder, or muscle pain, know that it is possible to find relief.

Seeking a Consultation

To see if you are covered for Medicare chiropractor visits, give us a call. We will review your benefits and seek authorization, if necessary, from your provider before we begin treatment. That way, you won’t end up with a bill you aren’t expecting. Our chiropractors will provide a comprehensive evaluation of your spinal health in office to determine if you are suffering from a subluxation and develop a personalized treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms.

Contact ChiroCare of Florida today.