How Do Spine Problems Cause Pain in Internal Organs?

Medical Conditions Pain Treatment / September 16, 2016
spine's connection to internal organs

The hip bone’s connected to the back bone, the back bone’s connected to the neck bone, the neck bone’s connected to the head bone. The “bones song” is a favorite among chiropractors as they understand how important it is for all the bones to be properly aligned.

Furthermore, chiropractors also understand how the spine is connected to the internal organs. If you are suffering from certain pains, you could actually be suffering from spinal problems. The human organs receive messages, including pain signals, from the brain through the spinal cord.

Bodily Connections in Each Region of the Spine

Sympathetic nerves arise from the spinal cord beginning in the first thoracic vertebra and are believed to extend through the third lumbar vertebra. The connection between the spine and internal organs are based on specific nerves.

For example, the greater splanchnic nerves, originating between thoracic vertebra 6 and vertebra 10, connect to the stomach.

How the Cervical Spine Affects You

The cervical region of the spine consists of cervical vertebra 1 to 7. Though no specific vertebra are linked to the internal organs, the superior ganglion, nerve cells located at the edges of the cervical spine, do connect to some internal structures. For example, the superior cervical ganglion are linked to your eyes, glands within the mouth and the lacrimal glands, which are responsible for the movement of your tears.

Issues with the cervical spine might cause the following physical problems:

Potential Symptoms Caused in the Thoracic Spine

The thoracic spine is the most interconnected with the internal organs. Some pairings include:

As a result, issues within certain organs may be linked to problems within the thoracic spine. For example, if you’re suffering from stomach and digestion problems or heartburn, it could be a sign of the misalignment of your T6. Your digestion issues may subside after you receive back pain treatment.

Bronchitis, respiratory issues, asthma or a chronic cough may be linked to the misalignment of the T3.

The Lumbar Spine’s Organ Connections

The lumbar spine is connected to the lower bodily organs. For example, the L1 is connected to the large intestine. Therefore, issues with your L1 might be signaled by constipation or diarrhea. The L3 Is connected to the bladder, uterus in women and prostate in men. Painful menstruation may signal problems with the L3 as could impotence in men.

Connections in the Sacrum and Coccyx

The sacrum and coccyx are the lowest part of your spine. Sciatica, abdominal problems and pains in the legs and feet could all be signs of a problem with the alignment of the lower region of your spine.

When your spine is out of alignment, it could lead to more than just back pain and discomfort. If you are dealing with internal organ issues that do not seem to be resolved despite medical treatment, consider getting chiropractic treatment. An experienced chiropractor can adjust your spine to ensure that your parasympathetic system is working at optimal levels.

Make an appointment to treat spine problems with Dr. Levine in our Plantation office, or visit one of our other convenient locations. Book Now

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