Solutions for Back Pain Treatment Outside of the Chiropractor’s Office

Back & Neck Pain Treatment Techniques / February 2, 2017
back pain physical therapy

After an adjustment, you’re probably feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. However, part of a strong chiropractic treatment program should involve treatment outside of the office.

Your chiropractic physician will provide a back pain treatment plan that includes different modes of therapy during your appointments, as well as things you can do on your own. Active care can help provide pain relief and prevent it from becoming chronic. Below are some active care methods that can help you outside of the chiropractor’s office.


A customized stretching plan can help reduce pain and heal injuries faster. When you stretch muscles in your chest, shoulders, and lower back, it will also help improve your posture. Additionally, stretching can improve flexibility and range of motion. Stretching has many great benefits, but before you go searching online for stretches, you want to check with your chiropractor what types of stretches are safe and appropriate for your condition.

Low-Impact Exercises

Chiropractic care combined with cardiovascular and strengthening exercises is an effective approach to managing low back pain. Many studies have found that exercise can not only manage back pain and strengthen the back, it can prevent further injury, keep patients working, and improve quality of life. A chiropractic physician can provide patients with an exercise regimen that focuses on stretching and strengthening the back. They can also provide instructions on completing these exercises to ensure your back pain or injury is not aggravated.


The American Chiropractor Association (ACA) understands the importance of good nutrition. The ACA’s council on nutrition promotes research in nutrition and the continuing education of chiropractors as their field relates to nutrition. Being overweight or obese can increase low back pain, joint pain, and spinal disc problems. A healthy diet can not only help reduce inflammation and pain, it can also help you lose weight.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy and chiropractic care go hand-in-hand. Massage therapy can help release tension in the muscles, which can make your adjustment last longer. Furthermore, massages can help increase blood flow and circulation, as well as increase endorphin levels, which can ease anxiety and depression.

During your next appointment, be sure to speak with your doctor about what you can do in between your scheduled appointments to aid in back pain treatment.

Need to schedule an appointment with a ChiroCare of Florida chiropractor? Call 1-877-DRRIGHT.

Read about home remedies we DON’T recommend.

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