What Should I Wear to See The Chiropractor?

Chiropractic Therapy / January 31, 2020
chiropractic patient tying tennis shoes before appointment

So, you’ve scheduled your first visit but now you’re wondering what to wear to the chiropractor. For women especially, this can be a challenging question. When you speak with the office while booking your appointment it is a good idea to ask the person on the phone if they have any recommendations. Since a body adjustment can consist of various methods, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and instrument-assisted treatment, you may need to wear specific clothing based on your treatment plan.

While chiropractors can generally work with patients dressed in a variety of clothing, here are a few good tips to follow.

What to Wear to Chiropractor Appointments

If you’re wondering what to wear to chiropractor appointments, there are a few general rules that make it easy to decide. It’s important to wear clothes that are comfortable. Wearing loose clothing or stretchy clothes is a good way to go. If you are receiving spinal subluxation treatments you will need to wear clothes in which your body can easily twist. Similarly, if you are receiving instrument-assisted treatments, such as E-STIM, your chiropractor will need to reach those areas of your body.

What to Wear

What Not to Wear

Once you start visiting the chiropractor regularly you will get a good feel of what to wear and what not to wear. While jeans are generally okay, you may notice that you are uncomfortable in them and feel better in workout clothes. Ultimately, it comes down to what you feel best in and what your chiropractor deems best for your treatment.

Will I Have to Undress at the Chiropractor?

The first question many people who are new to the world of chiropractic ask is whether or not they’ll have to take their clothes off. The answer is no. You can remain fully clothed and comfortable, and it will not impede the chiropractic practice.

Many women wonder if they can wear their bra to the chiropractor. You can. Wearing a bra, whether regular, strapless, or a sports bra, does not interfere with your chiropractic adjustments in any way.

Certain ancillary services, such as massage therapy, may require some removal of clothing, but a basic chiropractic visit will not.

What Not To Wear to The Chiropractor

Ladies, if you’re headed to the chiropractor after work, either pack a change of clothes or opt not to wear a dress or skirt that day. Most chiropractic visits include spine adjustments, where you’ll likely be laying down. The doctor will need you to lay in specific positions, sometimes manipulating the placement of your legs or knees, so you’ll want to be sure to stay covered.

Can I Wear Jeans to the Chiropractor?

Wearing loose fitting jeans to the chiropractor is usually not a problem, but anything too constricting will limit your range of motion. The ultimate goal of chiropractic care is to align your spine, stabilize your pelvis, and address any other pain you are feeling. Jeans that are too tight may limit a chiropractor‘s ability to achieve the full range of motion necessary to accomplish this goal.

What Kind of Shoes Should I Wear to the Chiropractor?

It’s important to wear the right shoes to the chiropractor. Generally, sneakers or sturdy flats are a good choice, but stay away from heels or any shoes that are likely to come off your feet easily. Of course, if you do wear heels or other dress shoes, you can simply take them off for the visit.

Chiropractors can complete adjustments when patients are barefoot; shoes are not a requirement. It’s not uncommon, and the doctor will not be grossed out. There are many people who actually prefer to have their chiropractors adjust them while they are barefoot.

What about Jewelry and Accessories?

When planning what to wear to the chiropractor, keep in mind that the doctor will need to move your body into specific positions that may include bends and twists. You may need to lay on your side, or face down on a table.

For this reason, you don’t want to have any earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and accessories that could get caught on the equipment, in your hair, or anywhere else. Hoop earrings and necklaces should be left at home or removed prior to your visit.

The same goes for glasses. As you will likely be laying face down on the chiropractic table at some point during your visit, you’ll want to store your glasses somewhere safe so that they don’t get bent or damaged.

Since patients often come to see the chiropractor from work, in the middle of a busy weekend, or during errands, it’s common to have jewelry on when you arrive. And those who wear glasses can’t simply leave them at home. Once you’re in the exam room ask your chiropractor where a safe place to store your items is.

When Coming Straight from Work

Many patients come to the chiropractor straight from work, which requires more formal attire. We understand that not everyone has time to change before leaving the office. Chiropractors can usually perform adjustments if you are in work clothes, but there are a few guidelines to follow.

If possible, remove any tight belts, ties, suit jackets, high heels, and avoid wearing skirts and dresses. Take off any jewelry you wore to work and set it aside for the duration of your appointment. Additionally, you may want to leave a change of shoes in the car that you can slip into before coming in.

Chiropractor Appointment Clothing Tips

If you’re looking to show up at your first chiropractic appointment in the ideal outfit, so that the doctor can perform any necessary adjustments or treatments without interference, follow these guidelines.

Consider wearing stretchy, comfortable clothing, such as leggings, yoga pants, or sweat pants that allow for plenty of movement. Wear a top that’s not too loose, but not constricting. Again, stretchiness is your friend. Wear either sneakers, or shoes that are easy to take off and put back on. Keep your jewelry at home or be prepared to take it off. Tying your hair back is also a good idea, as long hair can get in the way when moving around on the chiropractic table.

A good rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t wear it to the gym, it’s not ideal for a chiropractic visit. But no worries, we know that you can’t arrive workout ready every time, and as long as you’ve gotten a good idea of what to stay away from and what is beneficial you should have no problem at your upcoming visit.

We hope we’ve been able to clear up what to wear to a chiropractor for you. If you have any questions, always feel free to contact the chiropractor‘s office ahead of time. Here at ChiroCare of Florida we’re happy to meet the needs of all our patients. Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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