Benefits of Stretching Every Day

Pain Treatment Treatment Techniques Fitness & Athletics / March 7, 2018
why you should stretch every day

We are told time and time again that there are numerous benefits to stretching, (what was the first lesson your P.E. teacher taught you way back in elementary school?). However, with busy schedules and more pressing matters getting in the way, it seems as though stretching always falls by the wayside.

We are here to tell you that this needs to change, starting today. Need more convincing? Check out the top reasons to stretch daily, starting today!

It’s a Natural Energy Booster

We all feel the mid-day slump from time to time. Did you know, though, that a quick 10-minute stretch can be just as invigorating as a cup of coffee?

Stretches increase your blood flow throughout the entire body, including the brain. This will help wake you up and feel less sluggish. So, the next time you’re considering picking up a sugar-filled energy drink to get you through the afternoon, try a quick stretch session instead.

It Will Decrease Pain and Help You Move

Incorporating stretches into your daily routine can help relieve stiff muscles, and improve joint health. If the muscles surrounding your joints are tight or tense, this can decrease mobility in that joint. If your movements are slower, limited, or painful, try lengthening those muscles through stretching. By practicing this regularly, you can free up your joints and move with less difficulty.

It Will Improve Circulation

Stretching can improve circulation, allowing the blood to flow more freely throughout the body. Not only will this improve your overall health, but it could help aid in the prevention of conditions such as arthritis and kidney disease.

It Helps Reduce Stress

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, clear out a space in your home, roll out a mat or blanket, sit down, and try to complete at least 15-minutes of stretching. Stretching helps relax your muscles and takes your mind off of whatever you’re stressed out about. On top of this, it can help release pent-up tension in your muscles, and release endorphins, a chemical in the brain that can help you feel good and rid the body of stress.

It Improves Posture

Did you know that tight muscles actually contribute to poor posture? They pull other muscles away from their intended area and cause the alignment to shift. This can lead to soreness and poor posture. Stretching can help lengthen these muscles and return them to the correct position.

Relieves Post-Exercise Aches and Pains

Stretching directly after a workout, either at the gym or home, is a great way to keep your muscles loose and avoid tightening and shortening reflexes. It will also help to battle other post-workout aches and strains.

Stretching daily isn’t only an effective method to decrease pain and improve mobility – it makes you feel great, too! Ask your chiropractor about what stretches would be best for you to incorporate into your routine, and remember to take 10 to 15-minutes out of your schedule to complete them daily. Your body and your mind will be grateful.

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