Articles & News

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types of back problems treated
Medical Conditions
How Back Pain is Treated with Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic treatment offers a nonsurgical option for patients suffering with back pain. Chiropractors can successfully reduce back pain by manipulating joints in the spine, this treatment is known as chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractors can diagnose and treat a wide range of spinal disorders that cause musculoskeletal or nerve pain, and there are several back problems that...
tennis elbow
Fitness & Athletics
Treatment Options for Tennis Elbow Pain
Tennis elbow, unlike its name suggests, can cause excruciating pain for anyone who overuses their elbow. While playing tennis is the most common activity that results in tennis elbow for its players, (1 in 3 tennis players experience it at least once during their career), tennis elbow can afflict anyone who bends their arm, elbow...
sciatica pain relief
Back & Neck Pain
5 Ways to Get Rid of Sciatica Pain
If you often feel excruciating pain from your feet up to your thighs, or from your lower back spreading downward, there is a good chance you’re suffering from sciatic nerve pain (sciatica). With the sciatic nerve being the largest nerve in the body, it makes sense that this discomfort is agonizing enough to disrupt your...
occupational injuries boca raton
On the Job Health
What are the Most Common Occupational Injuries in Boca Raton?
Boca Raton, Florida, is located in Palm Beach County. According to statistics taken by in 2016, the current population is just under 90,000, with a median age of 47. Below, we take a look at the most common occupations for residents in Boca Raton, and occupational injuries which occur most often within these occupations....
Safety & Recreation
What Are Back Injury Prevention Strategies?
Back injuries are a common occurrence – but it doesn’t have to be something you’re susceptible to. Whether you’ve experienced injuries in the past, or have recently begun feeling back discomfort, learning what you can do today to maintain a healthy and happy back for the long-term will make your body happy and your life...
Pompano Beach ChiroCare
On the Job Health
Occupational Injuries in Pompano Beach
Pompano Beach is a beautiful and thriving city to live and work in. Just north of Fort Lauderdale, it is known for its stunning beaches and offshore coral reefs. This pretty beach city boasts a relatively low unemployment rate (4% as of 2015), with the top professions ranging from roles in the construction and extraction...
Decompression Therapy ChiroCare
Pain Treatment
Chiropractic Decompression Therapy Explained
Chiropractic decompression therapy is a beneficial and constructive method for those suffering with a herniated or bulging disc who would prefer a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment, as well as those struggling with many other forms of back pain. This type of therapy helps to create a passage of healing nutrients into the disc and promotes...
Where Acupuncture Comes From
Pain Treatment
Where Does Acupuncture Come From?
Whether you are considering attending an acupuncture appointment for the first time, or have been visiting a specialist for years, you may be curious as to where exactly this holistic health technique originated, and if it was practiced in the early days the same way that it is today. From an ancient form of healing...
what chiropractic service would you choose
Treatment Techniques
Poll: What Treatment Would You Choose?
Visiting a ChiroCare of Florida chiropractor offers a plethora of benefits in addition to pain relief. One of the largest perks of visiting one of our eleven South Florida locations is the availability of so many treatments. Our chiropractors understand that every spine was not created the same, therefore, each will require their own unique...