Staying Active in Pompano Beach: Chiropractic Tips from Dr. Jared Portnoy

Fitness & Athletics / February 23, 2024
Couple exercising on Pompano beach with their dog

If you’re looking for ways to stay active in Pompano Beach, who better to ask than a Chiropractic physician from the area? That’s why we picked ChiroCare’s own Dr. Jared Portnoy to discuss the best ways to keep your body moving in the Pompano Beach Area.

Meet Dr. Jared Portnoy

Jared Portnoy has lived in Broward County for his entire life, receiving his primary, college, and graduate education strictly in Florida schools. As an avid traveler, athlete, and sports fan, Dr. Portnoy is a strident proponent of healthy living and a holistic approach to medical care. He is a valued member of the ChiroCare family and the ideal person to write a blog about active living in Pompano Beach.

The Importance of Staying Active

Unfortunately, many of us have sedentary jobs. Oftentimes, we are necessarily tethered to our desks. Even those of us who are lucky enough to work at home find ourselves spending most of our workdays sitting in a chair. But even if you don’t have a job that requires you to sit in front of a computer, chances are, you aren’t getting enough exercise on your job.

Consequently, scheduling exercise and play becomes essential. The benefits of an active lifestyle are numerous, but here are just a few of the reasons you should set aside some time for physical activity:

Alternatively, not committing yourself to routine activity and exercise can lead to heart disease, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and more. The fact that we live in the beautiful Florida city of Pompano Beach just makes the idea of routine activity all that more appealing.

Chiropractic Care and Physical Activity

As a chiropractor, Dr. Portnoy sees patients who run the gamut, from athletes who injure themselves in the pursuit of physical excellence to people who suffer repetitive stress conditions or other maladies due to inactivity. It may not surprise many patients to learn that chiropractic medicine is often the solution for both. In fact, many active people routinely see a chiropractor as part of their preventative maintenance regimen. Among other things, chiropractic medicine can help with:

Seeing a professional chiropractor like Dr. Portnoy or one of the other ChiroCare specialists can have tremendous upside where your health is concerned with virtually no risks.

Dr. Portnoy’s Tips for Active Living in Pompano Beach

If you’re sold on the benefits of increasing your physical activity or — if you’re already pretty active — maintaining it, Dr. Portnoy has some helpful tips for you.

Warm Up Before Exercising

The importance of warming up your muscles before you exercise cannot be overemphasized. Warming up increases blood flow, bringing oxygen to your muscles and neural connections. This helps to loosen the sinew, making injury less likely. You can warm up by walking, swinging your arms, doing a set of jumping jacks, or moving about.

Posture Check

Just prior to a workout is a great time to check your posture. It will get you into the routine of doing it on a regular basis, and it will be fresh in your mind as you exercise. Check your posture by:

If possible, perform your posture check in front of a mirror.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential for muscle performance and recovery. It is also essential for joint health. The more intense your activity, the more water you’ll need to drink.

Regular Chiropractic Check-Ups

If you aren’t regularly seeing a chiropractor, it’s time to start. Your chiropractor will be able to detect changes in your body that require care. Additionally, regular adjustments and treatments can ensure that you maintain peak performance.

Listen to Your Body

Unless you’re a professional athlete, there’s never a time when you need to push through an injury — and even if you are,  it’s not a wise choice from a health standpoint.

Conduct a Cool Down

Just like your body takes time to warm up, it will require a bit of time for your heart rate to drop and other bodily functions to slow. Take a few minutes to ease back to normalcy.

Local Activities and Recommendations

Pompano Beach and the surrounding areas have a number of healthy indoor and outdoor activities that will help you stay active. Here are a few popular spots for active locals and tourists.

The Beach

Whether you like running, jogging, swimming, playing volleyball, or surfing, if you live anywhere in Pompano Beach, you’re close to the perfect venue.

Indoor or Outdoor Yoga

There are dozens of yoga studios in Pompano Beach, Oakland Park, and Lighthouse Point. Additionally, many Yoga groups meet in area parks. It’s the perfect way to start your day.

Traditional Gyms

There are many local gyms with resistance and cardiovascular equipment. In addition, many offer classes.


There are about two dozen golf courses in Broward County. Between walking, carrying your clubs, and swinging, it offers a moderate amount of physical exercise and an intense amount of fun.

Dealing with Common Activity-Related Ailments

If you remain active enough for a long enough period, you’re going to sustain injuries — hopefully minor ones. Proactive medical care can help reduce the occurrence of injuries. If you are injured, however, it’s important to avoid exacerbating your wound.

Rest the injured body part. Depending on the nature of the injury, ice packs can help to reduce swelling. If you schedule an appointment with Dr. Portnoy, he can assess your injury and create a treatment plan. This may involve chiropractic adjustments, electrical stimulation, massage, acupuncture, and more. The sooner you can get in, the faster you’ll be able to recover.

A Healthy Lifestyle in Pompano Beach

Pompano Beach provides many opportunities for the fit and active. While you’re out there exercising your heart and muscles, Dr. Portnoy encourages you to also address your spinal health. If you’re a Pompano Beach local, schedule an appointment with Dr. Portnoy. He will help keep you healthy and moving!

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