Treating Shin Splints [How Chiropractic Care Can Help]

Pain Treatment Treatment Techniques / November 12, 2021
treating shin splints chiropractor

Treating shin splint pain is a source of frustration for many athletes. While common treatments consist mainly of self-care and routines that you can do right at home, seeking the care of an experienced sports chiropractic office can also be extremely beneficial. To understand how to best treat shin splint pain, it’s helpful to understand precisely what the condition is, how and why it arises so commonly in athletes, signs and symptoms of the condition, as well as what you can do to treat and prevent the pain from developing or returning.

Chiropractic care can help athletes perform and feel better in many ways. From reduction in joint pain to full body alignment, to natural and drug-free treatment options and holistic techniques such as strengthening exercises and massage therapy, there are a multitude of approaches that a sports chiropractor can take to help you treat shin splints and live a pain-free life. If you’re struggling with shin splint pain, aches and pains from sports, or another muscular-skeletal condition, contact a ChiroCare of Florida office today.

With ten offices conveniently located throughout South Florida and flexible appointment times, our doctors are helping countless local residents to overcome their pain and athletic obstacles through personalized, effective chiropractic treatment. Keep reading to learn more about how we can treat shin splints and all the amazing benefits of seeing a sports chiropractor.

What Are Shin Splints?

Shin splints are a type of overuse injury that impacts the lower portion of the legs, primarily along the shin bone. The injury can occur whenever a person overworks the muscles, tendons, and bone tissue present in this area of the body. The official medical term for the condition is medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), and athletes who have recently changed, increased, or intensified their routines are the most likely to experience the symptoms associated with the condition.

The condition is among some of the most common sports injuries, impacting more than three million people in the United States annually. Luckily, it is usually self-diagnosable and can resolve itself within a few days to a few weeks with the proper care and treatment. However, there’s no denying that the pain associated with shin splints can be quite troublesome and can negatively affect workouts and athletic performance.

What Causes Shin Splints?

Certain types of athletes are more likely to experience MTSS, including runners and dancers. This is because these sports generally demand extended periods of leg use, with high impact on the joints and muscles. Additionally, athletes who are very tall or have a high Body Mass Index (BMI) are also at increased likelihood of experiencing the condition as more force is exerted on the lower extremities during training.

Anyone who places repeated stress on the tibia and connected tissues can experience shin splints. Conditions such as over-pronation of the foot or ankle can also increase the risk, as it causes more stress to be placed on these areas of the body. Those who experience tendonitis in the legs, periosteal remodeling, or any type of muscle dysfunction of the tibias may be at increased risk, as well as those who have flat feet, weak ankles, or those who frequently train on hard, uneven surfaces.

What Are the Symptoms of Shin Splints?

The main symptom of shin splints, and the one that is most telling of the condition, is pain that presents along the shin bone in athletes and otherwise active individuals. Pain may appear as lower leg pain, cramps in the shins, a tender feeling along the inner lower leg, pain that feels as if it is inside the bone, and even mild to moderate swelling in the area.

This pain often worsens either during or directly after training sessions and may come and go.

Treating Shin Splint Pain

Any athlete who has ever suffered from shin splints knows that eliminating the pain is crucial to reach their peak performance. Experiencing pain on or off the field or court can be debilitating, taking your focus off the game, cutting practice time short, and impacting how well you play. Additionally, it can make recovery time unpleasant and can impact your overall quality of life.

The good news is that treating shin splint pain is entirely possible, and virtually everyone who experiences the conditions goes on to have a full recovery (though it’s important to know that MTSS can return at any time).

To address shin splint pain at home, try the following methods:

Additionally, seeing a chiropractor can help you minimize pain from sports injuries, shorten your recovery time, and may help prevent the condition from reoccurring again in the future.

Chiropractic techniques for treating shin splints include:

A sports chiropractor at ChiroCare of Florida will help you develop a customized treatment plan based on your unique needs for treating shin splint pain and ensure a speedy recovery.

Athletes who undergo chiropractic treatment for treating shin splints often report the following effects:

Schedule a Sports Chiropractic Appointment Today

Whether you’re interested in treating shin splint pain specifically, or have a generalized chiropractic concern, schedule an appointment at a ChiroCare of Florida office today. We’ll book an appointment for a day and time that’s most convenient for you at the location that works best with your needs and schedule. Then, you’ll receive a private consultation to review your medical history, current needs and concerns, and to begin forming a treatment plan so that you can live a pain-free life and get back to doing the things that you love most.

Our doctors have a wide variety of chiropractic specialties, including pediatric chiropractic care, prenatal chiropractic care, sports chiropractic, as well as expertise in specific medical conditions such as treating cancer pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, migraines and headaches, and more. We’re able to effectively help many South Florida residents to minimize the aches and pains associated with daily life, enabling them to go on to be happy, healthy, and well-balanced. All with natural, drug-free, holistic treatment options that are often covered by medical insurance.

To schedule an appointment today, or to learn more about our doctors and services, call (877)388-2165 now.

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