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whiplash injury
Car Accidents & Injuries
22 Whiplash Statistics You Should Know
Whiplash injuries can create lifelong pain. In fact, recent whiplash statistics demonstrate that more than 50% of victims progress to some degree of chronic pain. Most people assume that whiplash injuries are caused by being hit from behind by another vehicle while in your car. However, there are several other ways you can incur a...
bike rider tailbone injury
Back & Neck Pain
Tailbone Injuries
When you’ve injured your tailbone, you know it. A coccyx injury results in discomfort and pain in the sacral spine or tailbone area, a condition called coccydynia. Tailbone injuries can result in a bruise, dislocation, or even a fracture of the coccyx. The pain may get worse when you sit down or stand up, or...
chiropractor examining a patient's thoracic spine
Back & Neck Pain
Injuries to the Thoracic Spine
The spinal column has different regions. In the mid-back is the thoracic spine which holds the rib cage and protects the heart and lungs. There are 12 vertebrae in the thoracic area of the spine, numbered T1 to T12. The joints in the thoracic spine are important to arm movement, bending over, bending sideways and...
man suffering pain from an injury to the cervical spine
Back & Neck Pain
The Impact of a Cervical Injury
The vertebrae in the spinal column are grouped into different sections and at the very top is the cervical spine. The vertebrae in the cervical spine are numbered C1 to C7 and work to support the weight of your head. The neck has the greatest range of motion. The first vertebra, C1, connects directly to...
lumbar injury impact
Back & Neck Pain
How a Lumbar Injury Can Impact the Body
The back is made up of 33 individual bones that interlock to form the spinal column. The 33 vertebrae are divided into different regions, the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx. The lumbar spine is made up of five vertebrae, the L1 to L5. These vertebrae are much larger than others because they are located...
poor posture at work
Fitness & Athletics
The Importance of Good Posture
Sit up straight! Stop slouching! Every time you hear this it’s likely that you find yourself sitting upright. But that quick change isn’t permanent and minutes later you might once again be hunched over a cell phone, computer or book. Posture refers to the body’s alignment when sitting, standing, and lying down. The importance of...
statistics on football injuries in NFL and NCAA
Fitness & Athletics
Statistics on Football Injuries
When it comes to sports injuries, one of the most commonly discussed problems in football is concussions. Last year, a $1 billion settlement was finalized after 4,500 ex-players filed a lawsuit against the National Football League (NFL) claiming the NFL hid known concussion risks. Although concussions are a very real danger in football, there are...
elderly chiropractic adjustment
Chiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic Treatment for Elderly Patients after a Fall
Falls are the leading cause of non-fatal and fatal injuries in older Americans and according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, about one-fourth of Americans over the age of 65 fall each year. Falls account for more than 2.8 million injuries treated in the emergency room. About 85% of hip fractures among the...
sports knee injury
Fitness & Athletics
Five Common Sports Injuries & How a Chiropractor Can Help
From professional league players to weekend warriors who play for an adult-league, sports injuries can greatly interrupt your active lifestyle. Unfortunately, these injuries are all too common and can affect you on and off the field. Five of the most common sports injuries include: Groin pull Hamstring strain Knee injury Tennis elbow Shoulder injury Chiropractic...