How Can Chiropractic Care Help Treat Your Pain?

Pain can be the result of an accident or injury, nerve damage, chronic illness, another health condition, or repeated use of a certain area of the body. Whether it’s a sprain, pulled muscle, pinched nerve, or herniated disc, there are a variety of pain treatments available to find – and maintain – pain relief. Chiropractic isn’t just for your back or neck, either. Because the entire body is connected by the central nervous system, chiropractic therapy can have a positive effect on your whole body.

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Pair of hands holding a long, cylindrical instrument to the heel of someone else's foot.
Understanding Shockwave Therapy vs Ultrasound
At ChiroCare of Florida, our trained staff works hard to ensure that our patients are knowledgeable about our treatments. Some of the techniques we use are fairly technical or easily confused with similar techniques or methods. This is often the case with ultrasound and shockwave therapy treatment.
Hands applying a nervoscope to patient's spinal area.
Gonstead vs. Mainstream Chiropractic Adjustments
This article will clarify some of the key differences between the Gonstead and Mainstream chiropractic adjustments and will review the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Chiropractor giving a child an adjustment.
The Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care
Pediatric chiropractic benefits are often a topic of discussion for parents, social media support groups, and those interested in holistic wellness treatments. Today, more and more parents are steering toward all-natural solutions to help with all aspects of their children’s lives. A quick internet search will yield thousands of results pertaining to holistic wellness and...