sports chiropractor helping patient
Chiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic Care for Fitness & Weight Training
Finding an experienced fitness chiropractor can help many athletes to improve their game, recover more quickly from injuries, and maintain a sense of physical wellness. Whether you have a regular workout routine to stay in shape, play tennis on the weekend with friends, are a part of a pick-up basketball league, or compete in marathons,...
man with herniated disc in pain
Back & Neck Pain
How to Treat a Herniated Disc Naturally
If you are one of the countless individuals who suffer from this injury, knowing how to treat a herniated disc effectively is essential. If you’ve been injured it’s important to submit an injury claim. Learning natural pain relief methods can significantly improve your quality of life, leading to less physical pain, improved mood, increased levels...
woman using foam roller correctly
Treatment Techniques
How to Use a Foam Roller Correctly
If you know how to use a foam roller correctly, you can relieve muscle soreness, tighten your muscles, reduce inflammation, increase the range of motion in your joints, reduce the risk of injury, and more. For anyone who works out regularly, knowing how to use a foam roller is a must. It only takes a...
types of pain
Medical Conditions
What Each Type of Pain Means: Classification & Causes
The purpose of pain is to tell you that something is not right, such as an illness or injury. Different types of pain indicate that you need to do or stop doing something. For example, you will feel pain if you touch a hot stove, so you will move your hand before being badly burned....
cbd oil
Medical Conditions
How CBD Treatment Can Assist Chiropractic Treatment
Millions of Americans suffer from a range of conditions causing chronic pain that affect their day-to-day lives. Conditions like back pain, issues affecting the musculoskeletal system, and joint pains account for millions of people not being able to work or enjoy some of life’s simple pleasures every day. Chiropractic care has long been one of...
managing back pain
Back & Neck Pain
Manage Sudden Back Pain with These 10 Tips
Back pain is one of the most common medical problems in the U.S. It’s estimated that around 31 million Americans experience back pain at any given time, and for many, it makes doing routine day-to-day tasks a challenge. From an occasional ‘twinge’ to agonizing or debilitating pain, whatever pain you feel, you shouldn’t try to...
woman treating pain
Treatment Techniques
Natural Treatments to Manage Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is persistent and can last weeks to years. Symptoms can range from a dull ache and stiffness to burning and throbbing pain. Pain might cause other problems, like trouble sleeping, mood changes, and fatigue. Treatments for persistent pain can include medication to heal symptoms, such as inflammation. Many natural remedies provide patients with...
woman having back pain during the holiday season
Safety & Recreation
Holiday Activities That Can Cause Back Pain
The holiday season is filled with joy and plenty of activities that keep us busy. From holiday parties to family get-togethers, sometimes it seems like we never stop going. While the holidays are filled with fun, they can also wreak havoc on our backs, necks, and shoulders. Everyday activities throughout the holiday season can put...
safe 4th july family
Safety & Recreation
A Fort Lauderdale Chiropractor’s Guide to a Safe 4th of July
Much like any good birthday party, celebrating the anniversary of our nation’s independence should be full of parades, cookouts, and fireworks. However, any celebration can turn into a painful memory when partygoers aren’t careful. For a pain-free, safe 4th of July, follow these tips from a Fort Lauderdale chiropractor. 1. Stay Hydrated The 4th of...